Huw rejoins

Stuckey, Robert robert.stuckey at WCOM.CO.UK
Mon Aug 6 08:16:44 EDT 2001

>at the risk of irking the board, in the '80s my interest in HW seriously
>dwindled when Huw took over lead guitar....and IMO the trio lineup w/mr
>back on lead was second only to the 'space ritual/lemmy' era.
>aw, what the hell, i  'irk the board' alla time...

   Couldn't agree more, with the possible exception of Motorway City,
  everything else Huw did was bollocks, especially the Chronicles stuff
  ...dull, dull, dull...he made all the tracks he played on sound
  the same!!!!

   In my opinion anyway.

    bye - Rob

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