Ultima Thule *IS* Wind of Change

Mark Edmonds mmje at MMJE.DEMON.CO.UK
Mon Aug 6 14:01:07 EDT 2001

Replying to this somewhat belatedly, I'll have to give it another listen. I
didn't recall the similarity last time and I think the riff to Ultima Thule
is used towards the end of the main track on the TD album Alpha Centauri.
Certainly, I remember thinking "Oh, is that it?" after reading about UT for
so long but this assumes my recording is correct (Electronic Orgy CDs).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
> Behalf Of M Holmes
> Sent: 01 August 2001 12:02
> Subject: Ultima Thule *IS* Wind of Change
> I heard Tangerine Dream's Ultima Thule single for the first time last
> night. Unless someone has slipped a demo copy of Wind of Change onto my
> disc then Hawkwind practically lifted Wind of Change straight from it.
> It was quite a surprise!
> FoFP

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