BOC / HW: Test - ignore

keith kirk klkirk64 at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Aug 8 02:48:58 EDT 2001

why not play hawkwinds IS SEARCH OF SPACE , SPACE RITUAL , THE 1999 PARTY
.you may not get to hear quark strangness and charm ,but remember it all is

>From: Joe Loehr <JLoehr4299 at AOL.COM>
>Reply-To: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
>Subject: Re: BOC / HW: Test - ignore
>Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 10:03:16 EDT
>In a message dated 7/6/01 7:53:12 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
> > 6. The lovely Gillian did me the great honour the other day of agreeing
> > become Mrs Lockwood.  There's a picture of the most beautiful woman in
> > world
>Congrats! She's a doll!!
> >
> > 7.  Since I've been living with the aforementioned Gillian, my stereo
> > to have developed a major fault.  I can be listening to "Quark,
> > and Charm", then I go to make Gill a coffee.  I get back into the living
> > room and discover that the stereo has mysteriously retuned itself to
> > "Dancing Through The 80's With 'Disco' Bloody Danny Petroni".  If anyone
> > any ideas for a fix, they'd be much appreciated.
> >
>I would suggest that anytime you leave the room, you take the lovely
>with you, as the spirits that are futzing with the stereo are EVIL
>INCARNATE!!!!! It wouldn't do to leave her unprotected.
>To exorcise them, I would suggest a complete playing of all Hawkwind and
>music at full volume. The sonic onslaught of such superb music will drive
>away any evil (disco) spirits. Always works for me!

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