private party 89

Stephen Lindas Lindas at MARKETDAY.COM
Sat Aug 11 09:43:11 EDT 2001

Thanks, Bill, I have both so I will check them in comparison. I was also
thinking that PP may be one of the videos Hawkwind was selling around 95. I
have the flyer somewhere. Thanks again, STEPHE

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill & Cynthia [mailto:freeaqua at IINET.NET.AU]
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: private party 89

It MAY be this one:

10.03.1989, BRIDPORT, BEEHIVE, 65/8
intro / master of the universe / coded languages / starflight / ejection /
treadmill / time we left / hassan i
sahba / assault & battery / golden void / gremlin / levitation / only
dreaming / levitation / damnation alley
/ needle gun / brainstorm / angels of death

It seems to be the only gig with all those tracks listed from Bernhard's
list at neo-quark.  I may be wrong though.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Lindas" <Lindas at MARKETDAY.COM>
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 8:19 PM
Subject: private party 89

> HI, Does anyone happen to know anything about the Hawklogs #16 cd, Private
> Party 89. I'm wondering where and when this was actually recorded. CHEERS

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