OFF: What's happening??

Tim ma-paharper at IOPENER.NET
Sat Aug 11 19:11:44 EDT 2001

My 3 cents worth:
remember reading somewhere years ago that the british navy used the acronym
f.u.c.k.(for unlawful carnal knowledge)when the flogged sailors for homosexual
acts...(back in the 18th-19th centuries)
Stephen Lindas wrote:
 > HI JON, I saw a special on telly, where they were discussing the origin of
 > the word. They claimed it was a latin word for animals fornicating. The pope
 > thing was a smart ass remark. You don't really know me, but I am very much
 > against organized religion. I think it keeps people from the experience of
 > god. I'm not a plilologist, although I do like to read alot. Somethings I
 > say may be wrong. My truth may be completely opposite to yours. Thank you
 > for the information, though. Good luck with your ph.d. CHEERS STEPHE
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Jon Jarrett [mailto:jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK]
 > Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 9:42 AM
 > Subject: Re: OFF: What's happening??
 > On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Stephen Lindas wrote:
 > > That is a latin word. Doesn't the pope speak latin!!!!!STEPHE
 > >
 > > -----Original Message-----
 > > From: Andy Gilham [mailto:email at ANDYGILHAM.COM]
 > > Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 5:17 AM
 > > Subject: Re: OFF: What's happening??
 > >
 > > > But I see it just fine to say FUCK on the lists tho
 > >
 > > I like to think we're all grownups here.
 > You ain't no philologist, Stephe, it's Anglo-Saxon and there's
 > only ever been one English Pope. Who did, I suspect, nonetheless speak
 > Latin.
 > This is another way of saying hullo, I'm still signed up but
 > having a lot of trouble finding time for e-mail just at the moment, but
 > expect me to recover this situation fairly sharply in October if not
 > before as the British Academy have finally seen the path of light and
 > truith and given me fudning for my Ph.D. so I shall be able to get back to
 > the Vale of Academe full-time at which point I may even get up-to-date
 > with BOC-L mail. You have been warned :-) Yours,
 > Jon
 > ObCD: BOC - _Secret Treaties_ (`Mes Belles Dames Sarat' - *how* good is
 > this CD?
 > --
 > Jon Jarrett (01223 514989)     jjarrett at
 > =====================================================================
 > "There is a certain pleasure in being mad, which none but madmen know"

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