HW: New releases

Wed Aug 15 14:30:01 EDT 2001

no - the two CD's in question are not 'available now' - this is that old
thing that gets right up the collective nose of shops and mail orders - you
see the mags like this have ad deadlines - for the ad you have seen to be as
it is, menas that the ad would have to have been submitted to the magazine
at least two weeks BEFORE the time the mag came out, meaning any label would
have had to have prepared it before then.
It is a common occurrence that the likes of Mojo and Q feature ads for CD's
that say 'available now'  - what this means is that the next issue comes out
AFTER thealbum in question's release and so, if the MAJOR labels are to
avoid missing the boat , they'd rather say it's out now so that the punter
goes amd contacts the dealer who thinks there is demand and orders it - only
thing is that the punter generally doesn't believe the dealer who says 'no
mate, not out yet' ("after all the ad says it's out and that is more likely
to be correct, isn't it!") and then goes and asks another dealer who says
'not sure - I'll have to check' and so uncertainty enters the equation so
they try some one else. All this time we now have three dealers who think
there is demand for the album, all of whom order it for the demand when in
actual fact there's only the one guy trying to get it. So, the companies get
the benefit of bigger pre-orders and the shops hope there's someone there
for it. The companies would rather 'create false demand' than miss the boat
In the case of these two CD's, it's probably slightly different in that the
label may well have intended to get the CD out by the time the ad was
printed but rather than, again, miss out and advertise AFTER the CD is
released, and because of the deadlines for ads being so far before release
date, again better to be safe than sorry and that way at least you create
awreness at the risk of some frustration for the punter and a complete
headache for the dealer.
There is, I suppose, the possibility that both have been pressed and that
they will be on sale at this weekend's concert, in which case CD Services
will have it in a few days later for those that would rather spend the money
on things they can only get at the event..
So, the bottom line is that both releases cannot be far away and that the
forthcoming CD Services supplement will feature both as an offer price, but
I will phone the label up tomorrow, find out the details let you know.
As to the Brock album's contents, first I've heard of it - no one tells us
anything for reasons I still can't fathom!!.
Hope you don't mind the waffle;
Andy Garibaldi.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Bottomley" <merlinas at DIRCON.CO.UK>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 2:52 PM
Subject: HW: New releases

> Besides the BOC reviews, the current (Sept) issue of Mojo magazine also
> carries an ad. for the HW autumn tour. At the foot of this, it adds that
> Hawkwind - Yule Ritual (aka Astoria Dec 2000)
> Dave Brock - Memos & Demos
> are both "available now".
> Is this true? Can anyone confirm? Andy @ CDS?
> Also - anyone know what the deal is with the Dave Brock CD - is it the
> much-delayed "76-96" that never materialised a few years ago?
> Many thanks
> Dave

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