Huw Rejoins
andygee at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Wed Aug 15 14:48:43 EDT 2001
jeez - if you've ever had to sit through the live version of 'Toad' you'll
know why people aren't that keen on the guy.
(apologies to any drummers on the list)
Andy Garibaldi
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Swann" <swann at CUGC.ORG>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: Huw Rejoins
> On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 09:56:58AM +0100, Stuckey, Robert wrote:
> > Actually I was listening to Levitation (the album) on the way to
> > this
> > morning and thought that rather than metal, Huw made them sound a
> > Pink Floyd-ey. Now, that drummer Ginger-someone, he was class I'd
> > to see him back in Hawkwind!!! lol
> I've never been able to figure out the anti-Baker sentiment
> on this list (and many others!), but maybe that's because I
> don't know much about him at a personal level, or his
> interactions with the bands that he's been in. With a lot
> of drummers, the best thing that you can say about them that
> they keep good time, or don't detract from the sound of the
> band. Ginger's drumming actually enhances the music, IMO.
> Too bad he doesn't seem able to get along better with
> people.
> Steve
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