HW: Barney Bubbles
mike c
deltawave at METRONET.COM
Mon Aug 20 02:34:46 EDT 2001
Like Skittles and Skelmsdale, but the blue eminems are a better example if
you are not afraid of tasting dead weight.....or time displacement...
a mangy kurtosis
<<*is not the taste moor like the fact that every galaxy has a dark area where
either it at its core is time in complete reverse affecting the mass in such
a way as to affect its existance ie,the strain of sepperation that causis
the dark area of space in the centre of all galaxies ,in comparason to the
pressure that causis mass to exist.or does the strain of sepperation
have>such strenth as to cause an anti mass to exist therefore not only
affectingtime and masses existance but possably a doorway to another
universe or
universis and a easier way to other galaxies of our own universe,so how do
rainbows taste. Keith Kur(k)*>>
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