boc-l decennary Re: First post (well, not really, been here before...)
Craig Shipley
mr_ship at BELLSOUTH.NET
Tue Aug 21 09:00:49 EDT 2001
Longer than that. I first signed on in 1989, I think, and it was active long
before that...
Great to see some other old phartz still active here and for the warm
welcome back. As for me, I think I fell off of here when I changed jobs
about three years ago. Instead of getting beeped at oh-dark-30 to drive 100+
miles to go fix a busted computer, I sit in front of my (other) PC, answer
the phone and help sell enterprise-class storage software. So, no, Guido, I
don't frequent Hooters anywhere near the frequency that I used to, now that
I have a more predictable job (good and bad thing)... Kinda lost interest in
BOC-HW and delved deeply into electronic music for a good while (I
co-moderate the beyond_em mailing list on yahoogroups, in case anyone is
interested, get with me offline). My sons bought me the first four
remastered BOC CD's for my 45th birthday (I did say I was an old phart)
which did renew my interest in the band and, surprisingly, caught their
interest in BOC. My biggest complaint with the new BOC has to be the quality
of the lyrics and where in the hell are the keyboards?!? Picked up a few new
HW CD's (archive stuff, mostly) and I guess the pull to rejoin the list
became too strong, so here I am...
Still into the Ozrics, although they have become fairly predictable from
album to album (the most interesting works that they "released" lately has
been all of the 60+ tracks of material that found its' way onto the
Anyhoo, it is great to be back and I hope that you all can point me to some
great new sounds (not that I have the coin to buy any right now, not with
major home renovations and the stock market being in the crapper :-( ).
NP: Radio Massacre International / Knutsford In May (great live recording
from Jodrell Bank).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
> Behalf Of Niko Makila
> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 7:21 AM
> Subject: Re: boc-l decennary Re: First post (well, not really, been here
> before...)
> On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, bart wrote:
> > I guess its some subconscious urge to congregate, maybe in
> celebration (?) of
> > the list's first decade...
> > It must be 10 years by now ... Steve ?
> I'd put my bet on 11 years. Hmm... there was no celebration. How
> about making a ``20 years of BOC-L'' T-Shirt? If we start now, it
> could be ready in time.
> Anyway, welcome back Guido and Craig!
> //niko
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