boc-l decennary Re: First post (well, not really, been here before...)

Space Wreck spacewreck2001 at YAHOO.COM
Tue Aug 21 15:02:05 EDT 2001

45, wow, Craig, you're an even older phart than I realized!  :)  Welcome

I remember that intriguing sig, too - long before I had
ever heard Hawkwind.  That, plus some comments on from a guy who had a train drawn
in ASCII art in his sig (Bob Netherton, or something close
to that?), led me to try out Hawkwind.  Mike Borella sent
me a tape.  I bought a bunch of Ken Alexander's old HW CDs
when he was cleaning house.  Ken turned me onto BOC-L,
and told me that it was all Steve Swann's fault.  Ken
reviewed all the HW CDs that Ranjit Padmanabhan had in
his Progtron catalog.  I still have all the Progtron
email catalogs.

I still recall trying to find the Hawkwind song with that
lyric using my Mosaic browser on a Sun 3/60 workstation,
before the dawn of search engines.

Ahh, good times, good times...


--- Craig Shipley <mr_ship at BELLSOUTH.NET> wrote:
> Wow, Doug, that was YEARS ago, when I was posting from my old UNIX mini
> at
> work! I have to be more professional these days, dangit...
> Still, for old times sake...
> "aTTeNTioN, TeCHNiCiaNS oF SPaCeSHiP eaRTH! THiS iS YouR CaPTaiN
> SPeaKiNG!
> YouR CaPTaiN iS DeaD!"
> Man, it would be nice to see Ranjit back in business (he is still out of
> it,
> right? The last time I checked it was dead and didn't
> even
> come up with the "fight the good fight" message...)
> Ship (or SHiP)
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
> > Behalf Of Doug Bates
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 10:22 AM
> > Subject: off: boc-l decennary Re: First post (well, not really, been
> > here before...)
> >
> >
> > Welcome back Craig and a belated welcome back to you Guido!
> >
> > Craig, the first message I received from boc-l was one from you
> > that contained the "Your Captain is Dead" ascii sig., way cool.
> >
> > Whats next? Martyn rejoining to declare Bob's still saying "she
> > moans her mothers name" in Spirit of the Age? Or maybe Ranjit
> > announcing he has the Weird 106 CD in stock.
> >
> > > Anyhoo, it is great to be back and I hope that you all can
> > > point me to some great new sounds
> >
> > Try the latest one from Mr Quimbly's Beard.
> >
> > --
> > Doug Bates

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