Dave Brock

mike c deltawave at METRONET.COM
Sat Dec 15 21:32:47 EST 2001

dear Dave..... I just saw a post about the Memos and Demos and (possibly) a
track about a letting go of a loved pet or similar

I am going into the music room.....(tribute to person who posted this-
makes me want to play that CD-  drink problems into back-brain)

I am going to have some fun......tonight I don't care.....I haven't been
put to death yet and beer is available and I think there is a rolling paper
left in the pack........

we had a direct to ground lightning strike 2 days ago which was out of
nowhere with no other thunder rumblings and it scared us to death and we
thought it was a plane crash or a bomb....it made the news....seemed like
it was aimed at me........maybe it was really a sonic boom from a vehicle
of unknown origin.,..

turns out it shook people for miles around

time to rock


ps-  I have been sick and I have axed myself off Ebay and this is not the
beginning of days full of yack and people that I owe please give me this
season to get it right

please allow me to 2003 before I get offed-  it'll take a while to
completely clean house

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