Off: Re: A Question on Bootlegs

Paul Mather paul at GROMIT.DLIB.VT.EDU
Fri Feb 9 13:05:10 EST 2001

On Fri, 9 Feb 2001, Dan Witt wrote:

=> > I also echo the "selling is bad; trading is good" sentiment.  But, I'll
=> > go one further, and say that I even think it is bad for people to ask
=> > for multiple extra media (e.g., 2-for-1, or even more blanks) for a
=> > show.  This is against all published band "trading policies" that I know
=> > of, and is just a hidden way of charging for a show
=> Charging what? What's a blank disc, 90 cents?  You don't think 90 cents is
=> fair, but you expect me depreciate my cdr burner and use my gas to drive to
=> the post office and stand in line to send you a cdr.

No, I don't "expect" you to do anything.  But if you do, I am grateful
for it.

What difference is there between asking for extra media and asking for a
tenner?  (And why stop at 2-for-1 in that case?)  Spreading the music is
about exactly that: free exchange of music to spread it to those to whom
you want to expose it.  It is a free exchange.  Charging for your
time/depreciation is just another form of charging for the music.  If
you're not willing to do it freely (and I'm not saying you aren't), then
don't do it.  Plain and simple.

Besides, in all the trading communities in which I move, N-for-1 trades
are considered anathema (officially and unofficially), and you can
always find plenty of people prepared to do a 1-for-1 B&P if someone
were to require N-for-1.  It's only those who don't know any better that
fall for the ol' 2-for-1 "trade."



PS: My blanks are 60 cents (Mitsuis). :-)

e-mail: paul at

"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
        --- Frank Vincent Zappa

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