HW: New plans or not

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Fri Feb 16 18:58:12 EST 2001

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Nick Medford wrote:

> In message < at flite.net>, Andrew Apold
> <mordru at FLITE.NET> writes
> >Even IITBOTFTBD, which I didn't care for initiually, has grown on me.
> Same here, in fact I think the first 3 tracks rank among their best work of
> the last 20 years. There's some fairly uninspired stuff elsewhere on the
> album, but I'd rather have a mix of great stuff and poor stuff than an album
> like 'Distant Horizons', where everything is OK but nothing really stands
> out.

        I see this last opinion a lot, and I always feel I'm getting
something wrong because to me, though _Distant Horizons_ is a thrown
together sort of thing, some of the stuff on it is to my mind pretty
bloody good. I like `Phetamine Street' a lot, I like `Kauai' a lot better
here than I do on _Spacebrock_ (but still I have to admit not a hell of a
lot), and I think `Wheels' is absolute class. I mean, it's a one-riff song
with a key change about two minutes in for no clear reason and some
kicking bass synth work as well as blistering Brock-type guitar from both
guitarists. If it were Monster Magnet we'd all acclaim it as genius! Okay,
the speech in the middle is a bit cringeworthy, but such is life. This is
one place where Rizz improved a song. But I still love it. And `Alchemy'
and `Reptoid Vision' seem pretty good to me too. The remaining stuff is
nothing special, I grant you, but I have no problem with any of it bar the
`Love in Space' version and that's better than the single version that had
the vocals on. I just think this album gets a poorer press than it
deserves. There weren't that many good songs on _Alien4_ after
all. Anyway, I'll stop now. Yours,

n/p Disarray - `22 Minutes'
 |  Jon Jarrett (01223 514989)         jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk   |
 | ======================================================================|
 | "Now, back me up on this, but isn't it always the same? You've just   |
 | got on the phone and the bath starts running? Back me up!" Harry Hill |

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