Off: Re: HW:Damnation Alley film on BBC tonight

M Holmes fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Tue Feb 20 06:26:16 EST 2001

Denis Regenbrecht writes:

> Hi,
> >what's this movie about then? Damnation Alley I mean.
> The movie's based upon a novel by Roger Zelazny. In short, it's about the
> adventures of some guys in a post-nuclear-war world. They have to travel
> from California to Boston and encounter a lot of strange things (e.g. giant
> mutated spiders) during their journey.

Escape From New York was essentially the movie that Damnation Alley
should have been if it were true to the book. Kurt Russell would have
made a pretty good Hell Tanner too.


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