HW:Nikwind gig

Nick Medford nick at HERMIT0.DEMON.CO.UK
Mon Jan 8 18:35:51 EST 2001

In message <HOEIIEOFGIOMJIMLGMJKKECFCAAA.andygilham at ntlworl
d.com>, Andy Gilham <andygilham at NTLWORLD.COM> writes
>> >Brian James has started a band (Mad for the Racket) with Wayne Kramer,
>> That sounds like it could be very tasty indeed. I saw WK recently
>> in London
>> and he was on scorching form. And the early Damned singles penned by
>> James are classics, one and all. Any more info on the new venture?
>Check out www.waynekramer.com (where else? :)

Shoulda guessed really. Didn't know the great man had his own site... cheers
for the pointer. Pretty good site too. I actually hadn't realised that Mick
Farren had co-written so many of Wayne's songs: some classic Farren lyrics

Damn, I promised myself not to score any CDs for a while after indulging in
an orgy of shiny-disc-buying last month. But gosh darn it I'm gonna HAVE
to get some Brother Wayne into the ol' CD collection. Oh well...
Nick Medford

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