HW Festival

Michael Crook m.j.crook at TALK21.COM
Sat Jan 13 14:06:52 EST 2001

Paul Wrote:
>The Lake District is in North-West England, and is an incredibly
>beautiful area.  It is a National Park area, which I would have thought
>would make getting planning permission for a three day festival a bit
>tricky, but who knows?  Maybe they can have the festival in the stone
>circle near Keswick? ;-)

There is a painting of that stone circle (Castle Rigg) on the inner cover of 'Electric Teepee'. That would be a great site but it's not too far from some houses and I don't think the locals would be too happy. There must be plenty of fairly isolated spots in the Lakes.
I can't wait for this one! I really hope it comes off.

May there always be starlight on the path...Burnham Jr.

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