HW: books?

Arin Komins akomins at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU
Tue Jan 23 18:34:37 EST 2001

Hey folks,

What books are out there about hawkwind?

I know about the Butterworth duo/trilogy, Kris's
This is Hawkwind, Do not Panic book, and the Illustrated Guide to
collecting Hawkwind.

...and I know Adrian is putting one out.

Are there any others?

What are the Bob Calvert poem collections called?

(...and does anyone have any idea where I can track any of these down?
ebay, abebooks, and bibliofind haven't been of much use.)


Arin Komins                            akomins at midway.uchicago.edu
Web Systems Administrator
University of Chicago/NSIT                      tel: (773)834-4087
1155 E. 60th St. #302B Chicago, IL 60637        fax: (773)702-0559

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