Agents of BOC's fortunes...

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Sun Jan 28 18:03:03 EST 2001

On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Andy Gilham wrote:

> I still remember an interview circa 1980, when they said, of MIRRORS, they
> were deliberately trying to produce their answer to Fleetwood Mac's

        I'm so glad that's not just my imagination. Because `Lonely
Teardrops' really is a Fleetwood Mac song, isn't it? In every way except
the actual, I mean. Mmm. If it wasn't for `The Vigil', well, I'd have more
problems with that album than anything else BOC recorded. As it is _Club
Ninja_ can retain its bottom ranking... Yours,

ObMusic: Das Ludicroix - `Time Wounds All Heels Pt. 1'

 |  Jon Jarrett (01223 514989)         jjarrett at   |
 | ======================================================================|
 | "Now, back me up on this, but isn't it always the same? You've just   |
 | got on the phone and the bath starts running? Back me up!" Harry Hill |

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