Total Rock Radio
Nick Medford
Sun Jan 28 20:25:19 EST 2001
In message <Pine.LNX.4.21.0101282311020.29770-100000 at chiark.greenend.>, Jon Jarrett <jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK> writes
>On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, Chris Appelt wrote:
>> Well amazing sounds, but Moorcocks old fashioned voice-games were boring. I
>> am always afraid when I listen to Hawkwind live recordings that this voice
>> from that old fat baby comes crying through the PA. The last good
>> appearance happened 1985 during the Black Sword Tour.
>> But then it was always the fat crying baby. Hello Mike! Stop crying through
>> the telephone. You ruin your own lyrics.
> I have to say, I thought he was excellent. Perhaps you had to be
>hearing it in a big space, but I thouht he managed to modulate himself
>much better than he does even on the NikWind _Past or Future_
>performance. Yes, he did do the crying bit but he did every other kind of
>vocalisation as well and for once I felt he did manage to get the horror
>and the grandeur across.
Seconded. Never really cared for Moorcock's voice before, but his
contributions at the Astoria were outstanding. In fact I thought 'Sonic
Attack' was the highlight of the gig (high praise indeed considering the
overall standard). Maybe it doesn't sound so great on the recording, but it
was electrifying on the night.
Nick Medford
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