HW: on converting new souls

Michael Crook m.j.crook at TALK21.COM
Wed Jul 25 20:00:30 EDT 2001

Arin wrote:
>What album do folks normally use to "turn" on new people to HW?<
 Hi Arin,
I would just play 'em one track - "Golden Void" from Warrior. If they like it they will be unable to stop themselves from searching out other stuff. I've lent albums in the past and the most common reaction I got was on the lines of - 'Yeah some of the songs sound great but I don't like that wierd bloke talking on it' - If people have been converted to HW by me, it's when they've heard stuff I've been playing and its 'clicked' into place for them  - we can all remember when that happend for us I bet!


May there always be starlight on the path...Burnham Jr.

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