BOC-L Digest - 2 Jun 2001 to 3 Jun 2001 (#2001-224)

Mark Lee mark at ESPARTO.UK.COM
Sun Jun 3 12:31:15 EDT 2001

I already mentioned to Arin that I work for a Digital
Print Company, if this is a goer then I could scan the
book, and pass it back as PDF, onlyt in greyscale though
owing to my machine limitations (Printers not PC's)
It would be at 300 or 600 DPI and ti could even be made
searchable using my collection of Adobe products !!

Let me know the plan guys if this gets Okayed.

Mark (Hasbeen).

> Date:    Sat, 2 Jun 2001 05:55:38 -0400
> From:    Mark Von Bargen <mark.von-bargen at GENIE.CO.UK>
> Subject: Re: HW: RoadHawks, Book, Opal Butterfly
> Steve,
> If I can find my copy of the book then you are welcome to
> borrow it. If
> somebody has digital scanning facilities then the book could
> be published
> online (on Mission Control, perhaps - Kris, Dave what would
> you think).
> If nobody has the facilities then I will try a couple of
> contacts I know in
> the industry (after I get the right permissions).
> Mark

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