Off:Re: spare a nickel?

Chris Warburton desdinova at MADASAFISH.COM
Mon Jun 4 12:55:32 EDT 2001

I've eaten...
But I decided that censoring myself was the only decent thing to do at this

NP: YSDT from SR(Rm)

At 13:33 01/06/01, you wrote:
>I can eat veggies ok, but tofu tastes awful. STEPHE
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Colin Allen [mailto:colin at CALLEN18.FREESERVE.CO.UK]
>Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 7:33 AM
>Subject: Re: Off:Re: spare a nickel?
>On Fri, 1 Jun 2001 12:20:58 +0100, M Holmes <fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK> wrote:
> >Colin Allen writes:
> >
> >> Ah! But we veggies are rumoured to have our own forms of revenge!
> >
> >I *knew* there must be some explanation for the existence of tofu.
> >
> >FoFP
>Nothing wrong with tofu; I use it in place of putty for my windows!

"a cynic is a man who when he smells flowers looks around for a coffin" -

So do your good deed for the day -

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