BOC: The inerview if you missed it.
corwyn at NYCAP.RR.COM
Tue Jun 5 20:43:39 EDT 2001
Comment from Host: We're here with Eric. Let's go.
Jackson, MS: Which tour is the most memorable in your career and what group
toured with you that year?
Blue Oyster Cult: I'd say the most fun tour was the earliest tour supporting
Alice Cooper in 1972.
Comment from Blue Oyster Cult: We really learned a lot from touring with
Alice. He really invented the blending of theater and rock and roll.
Boston, MA: Which songs from the new album do you plan to play live, and are
you considering playing any of the songs from the recently released
Stalk-Forrest Group CD live? Bring the show back to Boston please! John
Blue Oyster Cult: We're considering playing some of the Stalk Forrest
material live, but we haven't been able to rehearse the songs. Currently, we
can play Eye of the Hurricane, Dance on Stilts, Pockets, and a couple more.
We can play at least half the record at this time.
Comment from Blue Oyster Cult: Oh, another song -- Old Gods Return.
bryn mawr pa: Have you seen that Saturday Night Live sketch about you guys
playing Don't Fear the Reaper with the cowbell? What did you think of it?
And did you think that it was an accurate portrayal of what went on in the
Blue Oyster Cult: Hahaha!
A lot of people have asked me that. Yes, I saw it, and I was floored by the
send-up SNL did of us. It's completely fictional, but still funny. My own
sister called me and asked if anyone from the band had passed away, because
in the sketch they mention a guy who died. But it's complete fiction. (I had
a friend who's well connected in show business call the SNL people to ask if
they wanted us to come on sometime in the future to replicate the sketch
with the real Blue Oyster Cult, but the reply was negative. We thought it
would have been really hilarious).
San Antonio, TX: The new CD is great!! Gonna do a video soon?
Blue Oyster Cult: It's unlikely that MTV or VH1 would play a BOC video, so
probably not, although there's talk now about doing a live DVD in 2002.
San Francisco, CA: Did your parents ever finally accept your "jobs" and if
so, when and how?
Blue Oyster Cult: Hahahaha!
I don't think my mother ever thought I was making a living until she came to
Madison Square Garden to see us play.
Comment from Blue Oyster Cult: Go to the site to check
out our tour schedule. We start a worldwide tour in May that will go on
throughout the year and will include Europe.
Dave from Hoboken, N.J.: What is your collective opinion on the state of
music today? I'm glad to see many of the bands from the 70s and 80s still
around, but what does that say about today's groups?
Blue Oyster Cult: I think every generation has the kind of music they like.
We've been lucky enough to have enough fans to stick by us for 10, 20, 30
years. Plus we have a lot of teens just discovering us, and liking the music
we play. I personally get e-mail from people under 21 asking if I can get
them in to concerts that are 21+, so I know young people like us.
Castle Rock, CO: When are you going to do a Behind the Music?
Blue Oyster Cult: That's really not up to us. VH-1 has to get in touch with
Dubuque, Iowa: Whats so controversial about "Don't Fear the Reaper"?
Blue Oyster Cult: Everyone reads into that song what they want to. Religious
types have insinuated that it's about suicide, but I know from talking to
Buck (who wrote the song) that it's about love continuing from beyond the
grave. People try to read false things into it, that's all, although I
suppose people can interpret it that way.
Jonkoping, Sweden, Europe: 1. Me and my friends are all huge fans (that's
why they're my friends;=) and we were all kinda wondering why they didn't
buy the song "Godzilla" for the movie with that same name.. you guys have
any info on that? 2. Astronomy, Imaginos, ITPOAW, I Love The Night,
Nosferatu.. those songs are easily as good (or better) as/than Don't Fear
the Reaper.. (not to mention a whole lot better than what today's so called
musicians release. can you please have the reporters realize you've released
lots of albums? Lars Jeansson, the one you warned me of.
Blue Oyster Cult: The director of Godzilla certainly knew about the song,
and refused to use it. Of course we were disappointed, but that was his
Comment from Blue Oyster Cult: I thought it would have been perfect, if only
played on a boombox by a guy on the street in the movie. But Roland Emmerich
wasn't interested. Of course, by not using the song, he doomed the movie.
Macau, SAR China: 'Everyones' ' favourite pop BOC song is 'Don't Fear the
Reaper' which I was listening to just yesterday. What are some favourite
songs, by BOC and other bands, of BOC members?
Blue Oyster Cult: Most people who know about BOC who aren't hardcore fans
know Burning for You, Don't Fear the Reaper or Godzilla. But of course we've
made 17 albums of other music. I think everyone in the band would pick a
different favorite. My personal favorites include Take Me Away, Veteran of
the Psychic Wars (which was in the movie Heavy Metal), and a few other tunes
on the new album that was released today.
Nantucket Mass: How do you try to reach new listeners considering the
constricted playlists of radio nowadays?
Blue Oyster Cult: Very good question.
Radio in America is extremely restricted to mostly hits. The only place
where new music or album cuts get played is college radio. I'm hoping that
satellite radio which starts later this year will allow deeper cuts on
albums to be played (besides the hits).
Comment from Blue Oyster Cult: Living in New York, I know from personal
experience how backward commercial radio is.
Philadelphia Pa: Why no lyrics with the new CD?
Blue Oyster Cult: In our history, we rarely printed the lyrics, so people
would have to listen to the songs.
Zenman in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: I've already listened to COTHM 4 times
today, and absolutely love it; what songs off of it can we expect to hear in
Blue Oyster Cult: We're currently playing the first single, which is Pocket,
Dance on Stilts, Old Gods Return, and Eye of the Hurricane.
Tulsa Oklahoma: The new album is great and Thanks for making a tour stop in
Tulsa this Friday. I have been counting the days!!! Shortly after the time
Buck's solo album came out (which is fantastic) I had heard that Eric was to
have a solo project coming. I have never heard anymore about it. Is there
any plans for any solo releases from anyone in the band in the future? By
the way, my girlfriend says she might leave me if she doesn't hear you guys
play Astronomy this Friday....if you could help a fella out I would
appreciate it!!!!
Blue Oyster Cult: Hahaha!
I'll try to remember to play Astronomy.
As far as solo projects go, certainly anyone in the band can take the time
to do one if they want to. I think by this time in our career, we found that
we make our best music together.
Winnipeg, MB: "I Just Like To Be Bad" from COTHM sounds like a tribute to
early Who and the Ramones. What are your influences on the new album?
Blue Oyster Cult: Kudos to you for picking up the Who reference. That was a
conscious effort.
Everyone in the band is a product of all the bands that went before us. The
writing for this record started in early 2000, and we realized that a lot of
the songs we were coming up with had a "classic" sound. Instead of moving
away from that, we embraced it.
Waterbury CT: What are your expectations for this album? A renewed
superstardom, or just a great record for the hardcore fans?
Blue Oyster Cult: All the above.
Comment from Blue Oyster Cult: Thanks to all the hardcore fans for sticking
by us all these years, a few of which I personally thank in the CD jacket.
Also, we think we've made a really good new album, and we hope that people
all around the world realize we're still hard at work making new music.
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