BOC-L Digest - 12 Jun 2001 - Special issue (#2001-241)

mike c deltawave at METRONET.COM
Tue Jun 12 20:39:12 EDT 2001

  thanks Rik..

to the message where I am concerned (as far as "death" chat that
I took part in)...(on Bocl list..THIS LIST)
Yahoo seems to be teetering on the edge of something.....maybe a birth, I

Stuart...I tried to email you privately about any knowledge you may or may
not be willing to share regarding "Odd" Hawkwind pressings of CD's/LP's???

any Scottish items????

anyway, it wouldn't go through, maybe you have me killfiled??

I would like to see a "Nonsense" HW list for people like myself that are
post-happy, but need time to hen-peck, and think....

peace peace peace

I hope hope hope

Mike C (relative Bocl "newbie", I guess)

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