OFF: Porcupine Tree at Shepherd's Bush Empire
andygee at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Sun Jun 17 18:34:34 EDT 2001
far from it - I like the idea of any of these bands attainign commercial
success - the more the merrier - I just don't think that it can happen to PT
simply because, no matter how hard Wilson and Delerium try to have it
otherwise,they are seen by the media as a prog-rock band, and therfore
suffer all the commercial pitfalls that such a tag entails - no matter how
many singles they put out,they won;t get radio one on their side. However,
they may get radio two (for USA readers the equivalent of a semi-serious
seventies/eighties station that still also can't get its feet out of the
'50's and '60's) to play things but that is far from the minds of labels and
group - they want to be 'now' and 'trendy' but as a PT fan, this just won't
work for this band. I suppose the same would apply to Hawkwind really. As to
Queens, well, since Jo Whiley made a single by them her record of the
week,they have been deemed radio friendly. Roll on someone finding Anathema.
The power of the UK DJ in all its glory.
Andy Garibaldi.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Jarrett" <jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK>
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: OFF: Porcupine Tree at Shepherd's Bush Empire
> On Sun, 10 Jun 2001, ANDREW GARIBALDI wrote:
> > Flamin' well better be - I thought LS was too weak and insipid by half
> > did most of the review in our catalogue in case anyone was figuring!!!)
> > that 'Stupid Dream' walks all over it (I did that one), Daft part is,
> > Wilson, genius that he is, just won't accept the band for what it is and
> > keeps striving for some unattainable 'chart' goal.
> > If you want that, oh great god Wilson, it's either get fashionable or
do a
> > cover version.
> I've noticed that every PT fan seems to like one but not the other
> of the two pop albums; as I've said I prefer LS because it seems happier
> being what it is than the rather overloaded and under-varied SD. But it's
> just my opinion; I know people who disagree with me diametrically and a
> few who agree with me. But everyone it seems will be glad to hear them get
> back to electronischefreakoutmusik such as they are good at.
> On the other hand, Queens of the Stone Age might be held as an
> example of the possibility of getting chart exposure without doing
> over-much to compromise one's authentic rock credentials? Or is _Rated R_
> a sell-out too in the critical opinion of those here reading? Yours,
> Jon
> --
> Jon Jarrett (01223 514989) jjarrett at
> =====================================================================
> "There is a certain pleasure in being mad, which none but madmen know"
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