Hawkwind releases

Jobson, Ed ejobson at THRUPOINT.NET
Mon Mar 5 23:18:00 EST 2001

Dave probably and the rest of the band probably haven't got as much as we
might expect. I swapped some tapes with Dave about 20 years ago now. He
wanted some recordings of him off of the radio 1967 (maybe now the Dawn of
HW CD?) and in return gave me some stuff from an Electronica festival in the
early 80's. Also Nik contacted me ages ago and Tim Blake told me recently I
had more live recordings of him than he did!

They must have some stuff though, it would be interesting.

-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
Sent: 04 March 2001 06:50
Subject: Re: Hawkwind releases

I've noticed that this sort of question often comes up on this group and
I've always presumed that most if not all are asking it, assuming that Dave
Brock himself has a huge collection of live tapes from over the years but
that doesn't count as it's not really part of the collectors market, but I
must admit I have often wondered, not specific tapes of course (although I
bet there's those of you out there that would love to view the Brock
archives) does Dave actually have a huge tape collection of Hawk gigs or
not, as so many musicians from the '70's that I encounter, hardly have
anything at all - wirthout getting too specific or the risk of me prying
into personal matters, any reply to this Dave, if you're listening?
Just curious.......
Andy Garibaldi.
----- Original Message -----
From: "dhuggins" <dhuggins at HYPERNOVA.NET>
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2001 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: Hawkwind releases

> Speaking of releases,
>         I've always wondered where the complete tape is of the Chicago
show from
> the 78 US QS&C tour (the source of "Spirit of the Age" on Friends and
> Relations)-It would make a GREAT release. Anybody know, or is this one of
> those forever-lost things?
> Dave

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