Thrilling Adventures!!-more blab-er

Colm McWilliams cmcwilliams at CIL.CO.UK
Thu Mar 8 11:04:10 EST 2001

one of the reason i bought thrilling adventures when it first came out was
because Dave brock said it would be of better sound quality than atomhenge.

I'm sure he actually said that on one of the question/answer sessions that
took place on this mailing list.

Colm McWilliams

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-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Coleman [mailto:deltawave at METRONET.COM]
Sent: 08 March 2001 15:56
Subject: Re: Thrilling Adventures!!-more blab-er

colm said:

>I have both that and atomhenge and I haven't noticed any   difference in
>sound quality even though people on this mailing list have said   there is
>a difference.

 if it was me that eluded to that (I did).....I truly apologize if it's
not....sometimes the mix of alcohol, fresh collared greens, and lonliness
in the 3 am wee hours causes the room to seem to vibrate with a "deep
boom", and the excitement factor runs high as the room comes alive....


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