HW: Top Ten

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Wed Mar 14 10:13:58 EST 2001

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, M Holmes wrote:

> david hall writes:
> > Dave B, of course.....Lemmy - probably....Nik (with the self-styled =
> > "spirit of Hawkwind" vibe) - yup. What about Dave Anderson with a public =
> > apology for the crap live releases.
> Apology? I want self-immolation at the least.

        Or if he can't put that out on record he could at least write
*something*. Has he actually produced any music over the last ten years,
as opposed to just producing it, if you see what I mean? Yours,

              Spooky peanut terror bringing pain and death!
     Jon Jarrett (01223 514989)      jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk

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