Off Re: Tarot Cards and cosmic couriers?

Dan Witt Lwitt1 at QWEST.NET
Wed Mar 14 12:27:05 EST 2001

Also on a similar note is Mike Batt's "Tarot Suite"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Coleman" <deltawave at METRONET.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: Tarot Cards and cosmic couriers?

> >
> >I remember reading ages ago in a hawkwind fanzine there was this
> >with Dave Brock and he mentioned that Hawkwind had done some music to
> >accompany a set of tarot cards. Anyone know anything about this? And
> >they shed some light on the track listing/format etc?
> >
> >cheers Colm
> seems like Walter Wegmuller's tarot, with the cosmic couriers.......
> the LP set is worth a ton, and they did a reissue CD box set now as
> can't imagine HW doing that for real, as I'm sure they are well familiar
> with it....
> mc
> PS--it's great in my opinion...

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