HW:Space Rocked apart

Sam Kirwan samantha.kirwan at NTL.COM
Mon Mar 19 03:48:05 EST 2001

Stop it now - I'll go all bashful.  Honestly, I'll listen to anything -
virtually (no abstract jazz!!) and I think in the past 5 or so years even
the commercial scene has improved - I think more people appreciate more
variance now - people aren't so segregated in their tastes.  I mean Carlos
Santana won awards last year - how late was that in coming???!!??
Obviously, I've got little time for boy/girl bands and the boom-de-boom
scene but their are some astounding voices (particularly female) and
lyricists out there.
I used to be totally HW orientated but besides missing out on some great
music I realised it's pointless listening to progressive rock if you're not
willing to progress yourself.  Is that too profound for this early in the

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Coleman [mailto:deltawave at METRONET.COM]
Sent: 19 March 2001 08:37
Subject: Re: HW:Space Rocked apart

> I think Samantha just won the suggested " least similar to HW but also
>listened to by Hawkfans award " for the NWA and Eminem bit !!

but I like Kid Rock and Pimpadelic!

yea..that was cool that she had the guts,,,,,I like her....


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