HW: Weird #6

Michael Habiby mhabiby1 at NYCAP.RR.COM
Thu Mar 22 21:01:21 EST 2001

For the Kompleatist they are a must.  I have 2 and 4. Just ordered 1
and 3.  I love listening to all these live shows.  Kind of like having
bootlegs, but they cost more, but then again hey are usually of better
quality.  Fact: 2 and 4 are MUCH better quality than parts of "the
collector series" vol 1 and 2.


The artwork ROCKS.


They support a very hard working musician(s) that just never got the
credit he/they deserved......

  -----Original Message-----
  From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
Behalf Of Joe Loehr
  Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 7:29 PM
  Subject: Re: HW: Weird #6

  In a message dated 3/22/01 7:14:29 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
  mel at MVA.U-NET.COM writes:

    Well..........hardly worth a re-press if you ask me. What a waste
of money
    for a load of stuff that most of us 'die hards' have heard before!

  That's kind of what I was thinking. But then, the Weird Tapes came
out in the
  early 80's, right? Back before the "load of stuff" had been
compilated to

  Also another reason I'm semi-disappointed about the content of the
Weird CDs.
  I thought that they would be 'something completely other'. A large
chunk of
  it is stuff I have on other CDs. I mean, how many live versions of
Master of
  the Universe does one really need? Especially if they're all the
  versions! If it's a special version, say, that DikMik sang lead on,
  alright. But otherwise, I feel that one live version of a song is
pretty much
  the same as another.

  Of course, the above doesn't mean I want to sell my copies . . .


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