
Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Mon Mar 26 14:13:45 EST 2001

At 19.08 +0100 26.3.2001, John Rennie wrote:
>I didn't get there (I didn't even know about it :-( ) and am now deeply
>regretting it.  However I have to say that the set seems to owe a lot to the
>pre 1980 albums.  Fair enough, since that's my favourite Hawkwind era too,
>but apart from a few exceptions there just don't seem to be that many
>classic tracks from the post 1980 stuff.  I'd be interested to hear what
>others regard as post-1980 classic tracks, or even post 1980 classic albums.

A lot of the stuff on _Electric Teepee_ I regard as fairly classic --
the rockier tracks, anyway.  "Out of the Shadows" live was a storming
track (though the studio version was pretty weak; I consider that the
most dramatic transformation of a track in HW history).  "Treadmill"
on Palace Springs is extremely good (even if it does rework old Brock
material).  "Alien I Am" and "Sputnik Stan" are fairly awesome.  I do
like quite a lot of the CotBS and XC stuff, too, actually ...


Carl Edlund Anderson
mailto:cea at

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