HW: 80s and beyond (was Re: Croydon)
Eric Siegerman
Mon Mar 26 22:38:46 EST 2001
On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 04:18:58PM -0500, Douglas Pearson wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Mar 2001 20:00:53 +0100, bedroom trancer
> <bedroom at TRANCER28.FSNET.CO.UK> wrote:
> >in my honest opinion alot of hawkwinds's post 79's output is pretty good,
> >but when u start comparing it to anything they did prior to 1980 it just
> >pales in comparrison.
> I think that sums it up pretty well (along with the other messages that
> said it's good that they reinvent older songs on a frequent basis and that
> they're not a middle-aged self-parody the way too many other bands that
> have stuck around are).
The two points aren't completely unrelated. The problem with the
MASP bands is that they keep doing the same sh*t over and over.
Avoiding that trap requires that one keep experimenting.
Sometimes experiments fail -- perhaps most of the time. But if
you stop trying, guess what? You're stagnating.
I mean really; if HW's next studio album contained 10 "new" songs
that all sounded like Space-Ritual outtakes, wouldn't we all be
wondering if they'd finally lost it?
Live's another story of course -- we all want to hear the hits
(well, you know what I mean :-) ... but even there, a lot of what
*made* the Astoria gig for me was the stuff they don't usually
play live. A lot of those songs aren't my favourites; some of
them I didn't even recognize (shame on me!) Despite that, it was
still bloody refreshing not to be hearing just the same old
"standards" yet again.
I do have to admit, though: I'm glad to see some seldom-played
70s things like Space is Deep, Hurry on Sundown, and SG28948
(when SR isn't opening) slipping onto the regular set list.
| | /\
|-_|/ > Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont. erics at telepres.com
| | /
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea.
- RFC 1925 (quoting an unnamed source)
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