HW: 80s and beyond (was Re: Croydon)

John Rennie john at JMAIL.FSBUSINESS.CO.UK
Tue Mar 27 12:45:44 EST 2001

A few years ago when I first got a CDR I put together a "best of" album with
just tracks from the pre Calvert albums.  I had to leave some off because my
favourites wouldn't fit into 74 minutes!  I've finally managed to find CDs
of all the Calvert albums except PXR5 and in due course I'll make a "best
of" compilation from the Calvert albums.

Incidently if anyone knows where I can get a copy of PXR5 on CD, preferably
the Virgin UK release, please let me know!

Actually the best of album didn't work as well as I thought.  I think it's
too much having all your favourite tracks one after the other.  You need
some less well loved tracks in between to provide some contrast.  Mind you I
don't know if anyone remembers the compilation album Repeat Performance
released by Charisma some time around 1979.  This is pretty close to being a
definitive best of the Calvert albums.  Sadly it never made it to CD.


-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
Behalf Of Chuck Rosenberg
Sent: 27 March 2001 06:25
Subject: Re: HW: 80s and beyond (was Re: Croydon)

In a message dated 3/26/01 1:19:19 PM Pacific Standard Time,
ceres at SIRIUS.COM

> Hmmm ... couldn't fit that "greatest hits" package on a single CD ...
>      -Doug

we did this awhile ago, though i think it was just '80s. Lemme see what
off the top of my head this time...

1.Ghost Dance

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