HW: hawks/fantasy

Samantha Kirwan samantha.kirwan at NTL.COM
Fri May 25 02:15:09 EDT 2001

yeah - shouldn't use conjunctives with commas!!! (Is it conjunctives??)

Sorry this is totally off topic but another of my strange little


-----Original Message-----
From: John Majka [mailto:jmajka2 at HOME.COM]
Sent: 25 May 2001 00:26
Subject: Re: HW: hawks/fantasy

> Was it the superstar syndrome, which Mr Baker may have had a touch of,
> the band seems to have no tolerance for, that caused his leaving?
> and can someone please let me know if my grammar is correct? commas etc!

"Was it the superstar syndrome, of which mr. Baker may have had a touch, and
for which the band seems to have no tolerance, that caused his leaving?"
The above is the correct way of writing that sentence.
John Majka, licensed English teacher and pharmacist!
jmajka2 at home.com

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