OFF: Roy Harper query

Nick Medford nick at HERMIT0.DEMON.CO.UK
Mon Nov 12 10:18:23 EST 2001

Thanks Stuart and Iain for the reminiscences and info. Funnily enough I was
once allowed into one of Roy's gigs by the man himself too- I was trying to
get in through the wrong door and found myself backstage where Roy kindly
guided my friends and I into the audience. Didn't get assigned the duties
you did though!

Every home should indeed have at least half a dozen Harper albums, and Born
In Captivity should probably be one of them, but Work of Heart is for the
diehards only IMHO. I tend to recommend "Stormcock" and "HQ" for new
listeners although "Born In Captivity" is a neat idea too.

On Mon, 12 Nov 2001 08:04:56 -0500, Z E Itgeist
<stuart.hamilton at SCOTTISH.PARLIAMENT.UK> wrote:

>Bear in mind my comments re Roy are in context of a huuuuuuuuuge Roy fan,
>and that everything he has done is of merit.  Every home should have at
>leat half a dozen Roy albums, and those who don't should be up against the
>wall come the revolution.

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