HW: Walthamstow gig - Bruise

Nick Medford nick at HERMIT0.DEMON.CO.UK
Wed Nov 28 16:32:52 EST 2001

In message <004301c1784f$9764ce00$ce7187d9 at jds>, Jill Strobridge
>I'm guessing they are local to the SW area and I think they must have
>sent a tape to someone and were invited to join in.   Actually they
>played a pretty fair and extraordinarily laid-back version of Silver
>Machine at Walthamstow which they must have worked up in only 4 days -

No, they had that before and had sent it to HW, it was that which led to
them being invited to do the support slots. (Info from Kris on IRC).
Nick Medford

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