BOC: Mirrors & OFF: Porcupine Tree

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Tue Oct 2 17:22:59 EDT 2001

>>  > Although I can somewhat understand it, I have to put up a (small)
>>  > protest to
>>  > the slagging Mirrors occasionally takes here.
>LOL - just don't slag the almighty Club Ninja!  ;-)

Well, I'll chime in to say I like plenty of the stuff on Mirrors.
OK, it's no _ST_ (or _Imaginos_, for that matter!), but it's not bad
at all.  Better album than I've made :)

>Now, if this had been any other BOC forum, I would immediately expect a
>number of people to rush to that album's defense.  Maybe it'll happen
>here, but I'll just say that my intent of mentioning CN is not to
>announce my own displeasure for the album, and yes it does have some
>good songs

I kinda like "Beat 'em Up" for reasons I don't entirely understand :)

>(but ask any 6 BOC fans what their favorite CN track is and
>you'll get 6 different answers) - my point is that it is regarded by BOC
>fans *in general* as the band's weakest output.

I'd have to reassess it against the new one :/


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