OFF: Hello again boc-l

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Thu Oct 11 16:52:11 EDT 2001

On Sun, 5 Aug 2001, Guido N. Vacano wrote:

> Hello All--
>         I'm a former boc-l member who took a long break (perusing the archives, it
> looks like my last post was in 1997!), and I'm looking forward to getting up
> to snuff on all things Hawkwind. So, "hello" to anyone who remembers me, and
> "hello" to anyone who doesn't. :-)

        Taking my time getting through these old posts, but, I remember
you Guido, welcome back... Yours,

           Jon Jarrett                     "Two men say they're Jesus,
          (01223 514989)                   One of 'em must be wrong..."
   jjarrett at              (Mark Knopfler)

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