Judge Trev Command

Judge Trev judge48 at HOTMAIL.COM
Sat Oct 13 23:02:05 EDT 2001

Yes, 1 and 2 very good
They sound like jack benny


R. F. M.    Real  Festival Music      http://www.realfestivalmusic.co.uk
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----- Original Message -----
From: "mike c" <deltawave at METRONET.COM>
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2001 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: Judge Trev Command

> I have to report, these things
> 1) Judge Trev is my favorite musician next to Dave Brock (and all the cool
> Hawk men, like Huw, Ali, 2 stoned, Hi-T, etc.), no matter if his hips
> wiggle when he plays) (Nik too, of course, just wish he'd settle the
> dustdevil)
> 2) The Bajina CD will leave smoke trailing out of your ears-  it is a MUST
> the sound effects break new ground on here-  you will LOVE the static
> rumble (I won't even tell you about the sound effects), and Ron Tree kicks
> serious "ass" as always///
> this one will kill you, if you don't buy it today, then you are either a
> fool or you need a loan.......
> and speaking of static max effects and storm clouds
> the mighty rath of "whatever" conjured up the most wicked storm with
> tornadoes all around in SUCH OBVIOUS RESPONSE to my neighbors attempting
> stop me from rediscovering Judas Priest "Point Of Entry" music (with a
> police LADY, asking if I'd lower levels, with a warm inviting smile, I
> add) that I told my mom, "don't fear mom, take joy, it's God, avenging
> those neighbors"..and she had to agree
> The Alan Parsons "ammonia avenue" old cassette that I dug out (and put in
> to change modem dial tone) turned on, then stopped as the power went out
> (when I went and told mom) then came on as I returned to the music room
> The gods on high did settle to the appeasing vibes and maintain a low
> rumbling alliance of spiritual assurance throughout the night (keeping a
> threatening weirdness unlike those OTHER storms of months previous)
> I'd swear I have a link to the other side of the sky
> it's all in what you play and how you play it
> shhhhh  don't tell....
> m

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