HW: Astoria 2000

ChrisW Work CWarburton at OAG.COM
Fri Oct 19 05:36:22 EDT 2001

        I concur with Nick, despite being sober AND straight, I had a grand
time that night.  The band played well, looked like they were enjoying
themselves, and no major gremlins in the sound....  Canterbury was a more
ass-kickin' show, but ABSOLUTELY NO COMPLAINTS about Rock City...
        Nick Lee <nick.lee2 at VIRGIN.NET> wrote:
        >>This has refuelled my interest in the imminent tour which I was
        >>previously feeling rather indifferent about, after seeing them in
        >>at Rock City, which ranked as possibly the worst I had seen them
        >>in 50-odd times since 78.
        >Really???  Although maybe not the best of the tour, I thought it
was a
        >great gig (and tour).  You'd Better Believe it, Space Is Deep,
Flying Doctor,
        >High Rise, Hurry On Sundown et al.  All the band in fine spirits
        >Simon in 'local lad made good' mode.  What was missing (Apart from
        >on synths and Jez, which would have been the icing on the cake)?
        >Nick (60-odd since '86)

*       Chris Warburton/Senior Database Administrator
*       "a cynic is a man who when he smells flowers looks around for a
coffin" - Ambrose Bierce

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