Yule info!

Craig Shipley mr_ship at BELLSOUTH.NET
Sat Oct 20 17:50:52 EDT 2001

Well, I just checked CDNow and they have 114 bits available from Hawkwind.
Yule isn't one of them. The domestics are reasonably priced, all hovering
around US$15.00 but figure on at least another US$8~10 for the UK imports.

NP: Free System Projekt & Dave Brewer / Okefenokee Dreams (synthesizer music
recorded live in the Okefenokee swamp in southern Georgia. TD fans would
love it. 'Tron samples abound!)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
> Behalf Of mike c
> Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 3:12 PM
> Subject: Re: Yule info!
>  Hi Guido
> Andy G. and Stuart H. both sell these things-  specialize in this stuff-
> when you deal with others, you can be subject to bits of histerical
> waiting, or even
> back-orders, back orders hahahahahahahaha-   but then there are shops that
> get that stuff, one that comes to mind is OM (Other Music) in (I believe),
> Manhattan
> My mind is getting fuzzy, but I think the only *proper* HW CD to come out
> in USA is a recent reissue of "In Your Area"
> if I realize I am wrong, somebody will correct me, and if they don't I'll
> correct myself....
> cheers
> ps- I recommend the one without the hair as a start.
> mike c

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