OFF: MQB (message from Hardy re: trading live shows)

Wed Oct 24 13:26:35 EDT 2001

can't say fairer than that - now we're all happy - if this makes MQB even
more popular, then that's superb, because they certainly are (superb that
is). Nice to see a happy outcome for somnething done like this.
Andy Garibaldi
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Witt" <Lwitt1 at QWEST.NET>
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 5:27 PM
Subject: OFF: MQB (message from Hardy re: trading live shows)

> The following is the reply I received from MQB about trading the Milwaukee
> 10/19/2001 live recording.  I will now honor all the requests I've had for
> the show.  Thank you for your patience.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Dan
>    Thanks for asking us, before making this show available, a lot of
> would have just went ahead regardless.
> If you feel that the recording is of a high enough standard, then by all
> means
> go ahead and pass it on to all interested parties. If you visit our web
> you'll find that ALL our released material
> is
> available to listen to for free online and many songs are available for
> download, we are far from a "Metallica" type of band as has been suggested
> on
> the BOC-L, our only concern is low quality "Bring Me The Head Of..." type
> recordings being peoples first experience of Mr Quimby's Beard, and it is
> never
> about money with us, just quality.
> What Andy G wrote is also correct, as we "Freaky Fungi" do intend to
> a
> show from this tour, so all we ask of anyone who receives your recording
> enjoys it, is that they also support the official release when we make it
> available early next year.
> I hope this clarifies the present situation, and thanks for your support.
> Hardy (on behalf of the whole of Mr Quimby's Beard).
> PS
>  Feel free to post this on the BOC-L if you feel it will help.

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