Off: MQB
andygee at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Wed Oct 24 13:43:28 EDT 2001
even though it's sorted I feel I must reply to this - ALL
I was thinking of was MQB as I spoke long and at length to Hardy before they
went out there (unusually I try and keep in personal contact with musicians,
as a retailer - always have - always will ) and he told me that they planned
to release a CD of the tour and I simply didn't want anything to foul that
release as the band deserves to make it big, so I thought I'd simply get Dan
to check first - OK, so I should have done it off-group, perhaps, but I have
no intention of doing it for other CD-R things that get mentioned as I have
nothing to do with the groups in question so do not know their feelings on
the matter, so that one's up to them. I'd spoken to Hardy and THAT'S the
difference. Also, and nothing to do with it as far as you're concerned, as
Dead Earnest representing Spacehead, we still have yet to receive our DAT's
of the German Hawkfan concerts that they recorded but won't return, so it's
always a worry about copying sometimes.
So, I'm not on anyone's side when it comes to trading, this is a one-off to
do with MQB and any band that had said the same before such an event - as
ever, apologies if I have caused offence but however odd it may seem, all I
am doing is to try and help the musicians, and sometimes it can be OK - in
this case I think it has worked out just fine.
Andy Garibaldi
----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Bates" <Doug.Bates at TUCCSTER.TUCC.UAB.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: Off: MQB
> >OK - I've already posted, but to copy the shows like this is not the name
> of
> >the game is it? I KNOW MQB would not be happy about this.
> >Andy G.
> Huh, are you saying this is the first time you've heard of a taper
> trading a gig? Give me a break! There have been trades and trees of
> most good bands for decades, you know that.
> I have a problem with your post(s), and that is bringing a bad vibe to
> this list about such things. Possibly next time someone tapes a show they
> may be less likely to trade/tree a gig (at least publicly).
> I know where you stand on this issue (you made your point in the Napster
> thread in the past) and why (CD retail and your label Dead Earnest). I'm
> not defending or even taking sides on the legal aspect. But realize this
> is a list of fans, doing what fans do best. If you become the watcher for
> the "music industry" it will take something away from BOC-L. Sometimes,
> best to let things go, regardless how strong you feel.
> So which hat are you going to wear? A "fan" or that of a "music industry"
> watchdog? I hope you remain a fan, because your post are funny and
> informative. If its the later (or both) then I think you have a conflict
> of interest and should refrain from promoting you business on both HW
> PS gotta call ya on the quote above, I don't think you "know" that MQB
> would object to sharing a copy of that show.
> --
> Doug Bates
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