HW: the great lists

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Wed Oct 24 14:42:15 EDT 2001

        Wotcher folks. Have been tinkering with my spinoffs lists and
stuff again and realised that as ever there are some things on which I
have no adequate information. These are as follows: firstly, Huw was
slated to appear on two albums lately, one by Asphodel and one by Luther
Grosvenor; annyone know if they came out? (And I still don't have a date
for Salt's _Best of British Rock_ on which he appeared either... ) Also,
there were two correspondnces about little-known spinoffs, the Kharma
Kannix, of whom I never saw if anyone posted an answer to the people
asking if they'd ever released anything, and the Invisible Band. This one
I did solve myself and for whoever was asking about them, their website's
at: <http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/alley/9313/>. Cheers folks,

ObCD: Tony Hill - _Inexactness_
                Jonathan Jarrett          01223 514989
                     jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk
                "Wilhelm Reich died for your sins"  (ST37)

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