OFF: RE: HW: Mission Control: New Orders

Guido N. Vacano nycademon at HOME.COM
Mon Oct 29 10:46:03 EST 2001

Agreed. HierMenus ( doesn't work with Opera, and it handles
popup windows badly. But it's fast and lean.


-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
Behalf Of Richard Lockwood
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: OFF: RE: HW: Mission Control: New Orders

> I'm usually the "get the latest of everything type", which served me well
> until Internet Exploder 5.5 :-P. What a piece of unstable junk!
> Version 6.0
> seems to be a significant improvement as fara as stability goes, although
> there are some added features that are a little annoying. The
> only browser I
> REALLY like is Opera.

Which sucks.  (Speaking as a developer.)

The day we all use the same browser is the day I take all my clothes off and
dance nekkid in the fountains at Trafalgar Square.

Some would say that's a good reason to use as many different browsers as
possible, but you get my meaning.



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