OFF: RE: HW: Mission Control: New Orders
Rik Rx
hw at CY-B.ORG
Mon Oct 29 16:38:55 EST 2001
"Guido N. Vacano" <nycademon at HOME.COM> Wrote:
>"Your lectures must really be something. Let's see. "Class, for maximum
>effect, use lots of pointless JavaScript (you know, the kind that doesn't
>really serve any useful function), use purple and yellow text on a starry
>background, "beam" the text in a la Star Trek Transporter. Make sure your
>site's "live" while you're implementing "better navigation" so that people
>can get completely lost and will have to make extensive use of the handy
>dandy "back" button to get back to (one of two) "home" pages, and most
>importantly, protect your kewl code with a cute javascript that gives you
>an "Authorized Hawkwind Personnel Access Only!" popup when someone right
>clicks on the page to view the code.
Ahhh, you seem to be under the misapprehension that the approach to the
Official HW site should be the same as that of a corporate or business site.
Of course it isn't. Hawkwind have always been about stimulation by visual
media, at least in the 30+ years I have experienced them. Perhaps you missed
that little point. Of course, we could always make a sans-serif black text
on a white background site for the chromatologically challenged, but I think
that really would be missing the point....... As we said, there *WILL* be a
printer-freindly extension to most key pages, with a gateway option from the
new sitemap.
I have no idea what the following means:
(yes - it is complicated isn't it !)
>The click disable was simply put there to force people to use the page's
>own navigation,<<SNIP>>
>People navigate via right click (which was what I was talking about)?
With reguard to the right click disable which you find so interestingly
irritating, ....if you had visited the site before, you will know that the
site usually runs in a remote console ('kiosk mode') which removes the
normal navigation keys on 80% of browsers, and gives a larger stage for the
graphic content to avoid scrolling etc. Without the navigation bar, the only
navigation options are via the right click menu (windows) or apple click
dropdown on Mac. However we wanted to guarantee visitors used our own
navigation system, so we disabled the the click. If you still can't
understand this basic concept please mail me privately and I'll go through
it S L O W E R :-}
>However, the existing site is, and has always been, a "javafest" by
>intention to fit an exacting brief.
>Exacting brief? Can't remember the last time I heard anyone say that. What
>the heck do you mean?
Ahh... foiled by yet another complicated technical term eh? This refers to
the detailed specifications for the site design given to me by the band.
>Hmmmm. . . . Well, you know what they say. Something to the effect of
>"Those who can do. Those who can't teach" --Henry Louis Mencken.
So you teach too eh? - Rik
>P.S. My apologies to the list, this is my last post to the list on the
Yeah - me too! I got some seriously pointless JavaScript to write ! :-}
Oh ya - by the way, I wouldn't have taken offence at your original post if
it were merely constructive critisizm. I do believe that without such useful
feedback, none of us can learn, grow, and develop. Including a pointed
reference to a third rate book on web design, however, smacked seriously of
taking the piss!!!!
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