HW: more Yule Credits

K Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Tue Oct 30 13:49:17 EST 2001

Hi again...

I'm up to Track 5 ("Flying Doctor") and I'm hearing Ron Tree singing, and he
isn't credited with vocals on this track.  And Moorcock is...but of course,
that's Track 6 (over the phone)...which is just starting - came through a
lot better than I would have guessed.

I'm also looking at a photo of Huwy with an acoustic guitar (that's him,
innit?), and am not seeing him in the credits either.

How many other inaccuracies are there?  I'm not sure about the writing
credits...I was thinking that perhaps Motorway City (HLL?) and/or Freefall
(Calvert?) had multiple credits originally, but perhaps I'm remembering wrong.

Grakkl (FAA)

P.S. Is that Jerry (in the high-top court shoes) standing next to Ali in the
upper left photo on the second page of photos?  Who's in the bottom right
corner (also upper right corner of last page)?  Harvey?  Everyone else is
pretty obvious.

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