HW: more Yule Credits

K Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Wed Oct 31 03:54:54 EST 2001

>So the credits aren't spot on. It wouldn't quite be HW if everything was
>just so would it? When the intro to Damage of Life plays and the hairs on
>the back of my neck stand up, do I care about the missing credits? Na.

They might be important to those who were left out.

>BTW one of the CD's I'm after is PXR5 and while on the subject does anyone
>know where the acronym PXR5 came from? All I can work out is Part Exchange
>Remaining 5? or something along those lines after reading the liner notes
>from Q,S & C.

I thought PXR5 was some sort of video tape classification/variety.  Not sure
why it was chosen as the title though.  Anyway, PXR5's are very hard to come
by, and forget 25 Yrs. On.

Grakkl (FAA)

P.S.  Maybe get a 'Tales from Atomhenge' in the meantime, and wait for the
reissue to happen.

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