HW: Hawkwind x 2 (I think not)

dave hall dave at PARMA29.FREESERVE.CO.UK
Wed Sep 5 07:58:15 EDT 2001

Read a flyer recently which mentioned that there are now two Hawkwinds: the Dave Brock genuine article and an XHawkwind featuring Nik and a dwindling cast of former members and "associates". This really is a pile of pish. This is shades of the Roger (it's my band blah blah) Waters and Dave Gilmour situation. How many live offerings of old tunes are needed - I've just finished reading the latest list from CDS - just how many bands has Nik guested/jammed/ or dubbed vocals with, I've lost count. The sad part is they are mainly tunes written over 25 years ago re-recorded over and over again. It's great that members old and new are playing together - but PLEASE WRITE SOME NEW MATERIAL!! So it's good news that Dave is out touring and planning to record new material (with that line-up I can't wait) but bad news that Nik has formed his own Hawkwind tribute band. Incidently I was looking forward to the live CD with Huw/Nik/Terry etc. but fortunately have been alerted that any form of quality control was abandoned - I mean, Nik, that really isn't quite the "spirit" or "conscience" of Hawkwind especially at the price charged for it (15 quid for a dodgy copy of someones audience tape). 

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